April 27, 2013

whEn pEoplE are compEllEd to rEly on nothingnEss

Choose and conjugate a verb: we'll do
Add a politician
Place him in front of a television camera
Give him a microphone

Ask him to compose some sentences using the verb to do.
You are unable to stop him!

Well, ask him to explain when and in which occasions he formerly did what he said.
Silence... a long silence!

The answer will be: "we look to the future, we work on the future, we construct the future!"

In your mind will resound "what future! we need to take possession of the present!"

April 19, 2013

wHen the bOss ShowS the muscles

Under pressure, keep them under pressure ... It's the dictat of many bosses!

How long can they do it?
It's only a question of time, we will assist at the system failure!

You can't manage a team using threats of firing, by continuos inspections, without epowerment or sharing of the goals.

The good pressure and motivation are self-produced by  individual when he receives the right incentives to reach his targets!

Right incentives:
- Clearness in responsability and tasks of his role
- Endorsement
- Tools that he can use
- Support
- Smart Goals: simple, measurable, achievable, repeatable, time-bound

April 11, 2013

ONE leader is few, TWO are too many

It is true if we contextualize the statement looking at the Italian political situation.

If we look at Democratic Party it is really so because there are more than two leaders, unfortunately!

If we look at 5 Stars Movement it is quite true because Grillo and Casaleggio are two leaders but they weigh as a only one dictator.

If we look at PDL  it is absolutely true because, at this moment, Berlusconi is the only leader but without a credible successor, so one's is few!

Maybe it's better to close the eyes...

April 10, 2013

LooKing for a new SaleS DirecTor

Are you looking for a Sales Director?

Well, the first step is to outline the candidate profile.
Are you ready to start?

Possible shopping list:
# 10 years of experience in your own market in the same position
# Ability in national agreements management
# Personal knowledge of the GDO buyers
# Availability to move to another city
# Ability to achieve the turnover target

Alternative shopping list:
@ Graduated, M.B.A. is a plus
@ Ability in management, training and spurring on human resources

@ Ability in making decisions, in managing and analyzing the impact of commercial policy on P&L.
@ Enhanced knowledge of the dynamics of all sales channels
@ Experienced in different markets and several positions
@ Ability to achieve the operating margin target

Well, if you are choosing for the first list maybe it's better to stop the search and decide on another label: Super National Account Manager!

After this you can go on with your selection.

Ponder people, ponder ... (translation of Mike Bongiorno's maxim)

April 08, 2013

5 tipS to maNage Sales aGents

Why a sales agent should follow your recommendations and achieve your targets?

Well, you have few tools for the effective management of a sales agent:

1) Communication: you must communicate at right time your targets and in clear manner how the sales agent can contribute to reach them. At the same time you must explain the benefits/bonus/commissions  that the sales agent will earn if you reach the targets.

2) Tools: You must explain the tools and techniques that will help him to reach the goals, you must repeat the explanation until you will sure that the sales agent has got the full control of each tool.

3) Follow up: as soon as the sales agent will have done his first attempts you will must ask him a follow up.
At the same time you must give him information about the trend of his sales towards the targets.

4) Support: If the tools or the techniques don't work then you must be ready to give him solutions and help.
The best way is to go to the clients with him, supporting him during the preparation of the visit, letting to him managing the negotiation, engaging him in a follow-up incisive after the visit.

5) Congratulation: if he will reach the goals don't never forget to tell him he is an excellent sales man and to share the fault in case of an unsuccess.

Above all you must always transmit your presence in his mind using appropriate tools or techniques ... mobile phone, e-mail, sms, meeting and so on.
But remember, you haven't to talk only about working otherwise when his mobile phone will ring he will think: "What boring man!"

April 06, 2013

thE absEnt-mindEd workEr maybE likEs his job

Your market share is straight in proportion to human capital investment.

The employees retention index is the best indicator to describe the ability of the company's board to assure the continuity of expertise, the group identity, the immediate understanding in the comunication and so on.

What's the best incentive to work profitably?
Surely, you have to do so:

let people focusing on their own job!

Your claim should be:

 No absent-minded worker by the research of another job!

April 05, 2013

siLent reVoluTion

There is no way to solve the prisoner's dilemma and now Bersani is the prisoner.
Attention, he is prisoner of himself, of his hesitation towards a sweeping change.

Who can dissolve the dilemma?
Napolitano, obviously!

By facilitating the process that shall conduce to new elections but assuring governability thanks to new rules.

April 01, 2013

raZor edge of Politics

How to decide to no decide, simply:
  • pushing the others to do the first move

  • communicating to their followers that they sustain the President's choice while in secret they're negotiating with the other factions about how to divide the seats of power

  • or closing towards every proposal because "they" want to rule the world
Meanwhile the Country goes to drift!

Can a party that represents only the 20% of the populations  blackmail the Parliament affirming that they would accept only a Govern leaded by they themselves?

Obviously Yes, in a dictorial regime!